The 9th Annual Day of the Dead Steamroller Print Project is tomorrow. Wednesday, October 28th. T-shirts and tattoos are now on sale. Only $10.00 This year's T-shirts feature original design by student Jose Chavez.
This site focuses on the development of hip hop culture within Aboriginal youth communities and its influence on cultural production. Click here to go to the site.
Spot the difference: Negative images of the Shroud of Turin (left) and a modern replica made by scientists.
The news is out. Professor Garlaschelli of the University of Pavia, has used “materials and print technologies available in the middle ages” to reproduce the Shroud of Turin. For this experiment a student’s body was covered with a cloth and then rubbed with red ochre to make the transfer of information from the body’s surface, basically an indirect method of gyotaku (also known as fish printing). Some artificial aging and holes added for affect and the scientist had made a print that he claims proves this well loved and revered relic to be fake. Read more about this by clicking here.
Daniel Schwartz is a sophomore at Penn who moonlights as a light graffiti artist.
It's interesting to note that Picasso and Photographer Gjon Mili experimented with this back in the 40's. These are from 1949. See Below. It's interesting to note that Picasso and Photographer Gjon Mili experimented with this back in the 40's. These are from 1949.